
沒有就沒有, 我只不過受一點點傷, 哼  

我小拿鐵天不怕地不怕! 就是喜歡上天台爭地盤, 大耳跟姐姐都不懂, 但我8/4 見布媽時會大爆料, 讓他們知道我在想什麼? 其實我每次上天台跟怪貓打完後, 雖然受傷, 不過我都很勇敢, 沒有哭哭, 等我再長大一點, 他就知道我的厲害!

不過今天姐姐帶我去醫院時, 哭哭了, 對不起姐姐, 讓你擔心了, 可以燒燒我嗎? 

p.s. 後來聽大耳說, 姐姐被動物醫院"抗"了, 原來最可憐的是姐姐, 嘻! 還是大耳的聰明


The guy with big ears and my big sister never understand me. I, Little Latte is not afraid of anything. I go onto the roof to defend my territory. In this coming weekend, I am going to visit a lady communicator, who can understnd cats well. I am going to tell her what is in my mind. Actually, everytime when I fought against that big weird cat, I got hurt. The point is that I had defended my territory and I am not afraid of that strange cat at all.

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    Emma Boo 姐

    Emma Boo

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