
 過年時, 姐姐買了新手機, 開始幫我拍照          

2012. 奇妙的相遇

大耳哥哥大既是9月搬進來的, 我偷偷摸摸了一段時間, 發現他應該是個好人, 所以我使出了賣可愛的大絕, 沒想到他真的注意到我, 哥哥, 哥哥, 抱我進去, 好嗎?

果然, 憑著我那可愛的臉, 這人很快就抱我回去~ 沒多久, 我就可以進屋子, 給他們疼了, 嘻嘻~


The guy with big ear came in the building in September. I had observed him for a while, and found out that he is a nice guy. :) So, I decided to use my best tactic: being cute, to get his attention. I did (since I was such a cutie!)! He took me in, and I started to be the boss at home. :))  

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    Emma Boo 姐

    Emma Boo

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